Friday, 22 November 2013

Final face charts

 The facechart above was my first design I chose for an option for my final design.  I gathered my ideas from the picture below taken from Chanel.  It's almost the opposite of the traditional Elizabethan make-up where they have no make-up on their eyes, I decided to go to the extreme and use black.  However I am still keeping the traditional pale lips and skin.

Rachel Adler. (2012). Chanel Pre-Fall 2013 Took Hair to New Heights. Available: Last accessed 25th Oct 2013.

 This facechart above was inspired by Cate Blanchett who played Elizabeth in Elizabeth: The Golden Age.  Her make-up was very natural and almost hardly there.  So I decided to put a contemporary spin on it and make the make-up stronger.  I kept with the natural shades of make-up I just applied them a bit heavier.  However, I still feel I could design something a bit more exciting.

Melissa Michaels. (2008). Oscars 2008: Cate Blanchett Doubles Down on Her Lucky Number Two. Available: Last accessed 25th Oct 2013.

This facechart is my favourite out of the three, it seems the most exciting and regal.  The colour purple is most certainly a royal colour, and the gold I have used on the eyes give is the perfect balance.  Purple and yellow are also complementary colours so this also played a big part in creating my design.  I wanted to chose colours that went well together rather than bland neutrals.  As you have seen from my other blogpost I have done some research into furnishings that are purple and gold.  these were big inspirations to me, as I wanted to create something beautiful like those designers had.

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